Disclosure of Gifts and Contributions to Travel

Disclosure of Gifts & Contributions to Travel (LGA 1995)

New Disclosure Requirements as at 4 March 2016

In accordance with Sections 5.82 and 5.83 of the Local Government Act 1995, relevant persons, as prescribed under Section 5.74 of the LGA 1995 are to declare gifts and contributions to travel, in writing, to the CEO within 10 days of receipt.  This includes multiple gifts made within a year by the same person, the aggregate value of which reaches the prescribed amount of $200.

The disclosure for a gift must include 
– a description of the gift;
– the name and address of the person who made the gift;
– the date on which the gift was received;
– the estimated value of the gift at the time it was made; and
– the nature of the relationship between the relevant person and the person who made the gift.

For contributions to travel, the disclosure must include –
– a description of the contribution;
– the name and address of the person who made the contribution;
– the date on which the contribution was received;
– the estimated value of the contribution at the time it was made;
– the nature of the relationship between the relevant person and the person who made the contribution;
– a description of the travel; and
– the date of the travel

Form 4
Local Government Act 1995
Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996