The zoning of properties is shown on the Shire of Shark Bay Local Planning Scheme maps.
The Scheme maps show the classification of land (either as a reserve or a particular zone) within the Shire, and the Scheme Text prescribes the land uses which may or may not be permitted in the various zones. Some land uses and development require specific Council approval in different zones.
The zoning and land use of properties can change over time for a number of reasons. The Shire strongly recommends that you check the zoning of any property prior to purchase.
A full copy of the Shire of Shark Bay's Local Planning Scheme (text and maps) can be viewed on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website - https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/shark-bay
Zoning Advice
Should you need assistance regarding zoning, please contact the Shire's Consultant Planning Officer, Liz Bushby, at Town Planning Innovations by email liz@tpiplanning.com.au or call 0488 910 869 (Tuesday-Friday).
Please provide sufficient information for identification of the property, such as the Lot number, street address, Certificate of Title details and /or ownership details. As the Scheme maps do not contain house or lot numbers, the Shire's Planning Officer usually has to check the location of a property before confirming the zoning on the Scheme map.